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Patient Online Records Access


Thornfield Medical Group works in partnership with our GP software supplier, EMIS, to offer online access to our 24/7 appointment booking, repeat prescription ordering and online access to medical records. This service is free to our patients and is very easy to use.

To use this facility, you will need a user name and password. The easiest way to be granted online access to is through the NHSApp. This can be downloaded from Google Play (Android phones) or the Apple App Store. There is an identification verification process but this will allow you to manage appointments, manage any GP referrals to hospital specialists, and order medication.

If you already have access to our online services for appointment booking and repeat prescriptions, and want access to new entries in your records, or full record access you will need to reapply using the form below.

Online Access to Medical Records

We reserve the right to deny access to parts or the whole of the record where we feel that this is not in your best interest. Examples of when we might exceptionally do this might include:

  • Hiding information that may cause you or someone else harm (for example, where the record information about someone else)
  • Where we have good reason to believe that someone else may gain access to your records without your agreement

The access granted may vary from patient to patient and from time to time. This may occur where we are piloting new features or where a patient has been giving additional training or education.

Whether access is denied in part or in full will never be on the grounds of characteristics protected under the Equality Act: age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, ethnicity and so on.

Prior to granting access to medical records, the practice must screen the record to ensure it will not cause harm or reveal confidential third party information.  In order to allow the practice sufficient time to do this accurately, requests for access will take at least 28 days to process.

To read the full terms and conditions and apply, please click the following link:



Proxy access is providing access to a patient’s record to someone else on the behalf of the patient.  It can be given for both adults and children and dealt with differently depending on whether the patient is able to give consent or not.

Patients have the right to grant a carer, relative, responsible adult or partner access to their online services or copy of medication records.  The patient can however limit which online services they want the nominated individual to access. 

It should be noted that proxy access does not permit any third-party individual to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the named patient.

To read the full terms and conditions and apply, please click the following link: Request for proxy access

Amending your patient record

All health professionals have a right (and a duty) to make complete records of facts and their professional opinions about their patients’ health, indicating clearly which are facts and which are opinions.

Legally an entry or comment cannot be removed unless it is factually incorrect, however an entry can be made outlining the patient’s opinion.

A request must be made in writing using the form below. This will be acknowledged within 5 working days and a response made within one calendar month.

Medical records comment form