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Find your NHS Number

Find your NHS Number Your NHS number is unique to you. It’s a 10-digit number that helps everyone in the NHS identify you and match your details to your health record. Knowing your NHS number can save you time when accessing NHS services. If you need your NHS number, you can find it in your … Continued

Prescriptions: Who pays what?

Prescriptions: Who pays what? In England, there can be a cost when you need prescribed medication. Prescriptions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are free. Some items are also free, such as contraception or medicine prescribed when you are staying in hospital. Standard Costs As of 1st May 2024, the standard cost of an NHS … Continued

Fast-Track Suspected Cancer Referrals

Fast-Track Suspected Cancer Referrals A fast-track referral means you will be offered an appointment within 28 days of your GP’s referral. Why am I being urgently referred? Your GP feels that you have symptoms that require investigation by a hospital specialist as soon as possible. This is so that your illness can be diagnosed and … Continued

MMR Vaccine

The MMR vaccine protects against 3 infections; measles, mumps and rubella. These are viral infections that can quickly spread to unprotected children and adults – they spread more easily than flu or the common cold Complications of these disease can be devastating. You can read more about the symptoms, complications, and the vaccine here. Below is a … Continued

Complaints Procedure

Making a Complaint Most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily with the person concerned, often at the time they arise, and this may be the approach you try first. Where you are not able to resolve your complaint in this way and wish to make a formal complaint you should do so, preferably … Continued

Common medical abbreviations

Abbreviations are often used in medical records to help speed up documentation. You can find what many of the common ones mean here Some others that you may come across include: Abbreviation Meaning Abdo Abdomen Abx Antibiotics Alt Alternate HWP Happy with plan INB If no better LRTI Lower respiratory tract infection NFA No further … Continued

Data Sharing in the NHS

Data Sharing in the NHS   Patient data in the NHS is only ever shared for two reasons: to provide patients with the best possible care, and the planning and research needed to design health care services that suit patients.   Patient data is only ever shared within the NHS or with legitimate third parties who … Continued