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SystmConnect Feedback

Following the introduction of SystmConnect in July 2024, we asked for feedback from our patients. We have made some changes and have responded to the feedback. We have created a Frequently Asked Questions leaflet and Video guide for patients to access as and when needed. You will find links to these below as well as … Continued


What is the menopause? Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her periods stop as a result of the reduction andloss of ‘ovarian reproductive function’. Ovaries produce the hormones oestrogen, progesteroneand testosterone. When a woman approaches the menopause, less oestrogen is producedcausing her body to behave differently. This process is usually a gradual … Continued

Measles Outbreak

Measles cases on the rise in England and across Europe. Make sure you and your family are protected against becoming seriously unwell with measles by checking you are up to date with the MMR vaccine. Across England, on average one in ten children are not up to date with their MMR vaccinations, with some areas … Continued

Childhood Immunisations

Due to the recent outbreak of Measles we urge all children with missing immunisations to arrange an appointment. Please see the following link for more information If you would like to book an appointment to receive this immunisation or get more information please ring the surgery.

Bowel Screening

Blood in your poo is one of the signs of bowel cancer but does not always mean cancer. Instead, it could be a sign of piles or polyps (growths in the bowel). Polyps are not cancer but could develop into cancer over time. If you’re sent a bowel screening kit, help yourself by remembering to … Continued

Prostate Cancer

Check your risk of Prostate Cancer In partnership with NHS England, the charity Prostate Cancer UK has launched a new campaign encouraging people to check their risk of getting prostate cancer.  The online 30-second checker asks some simple questions about age, ethnicity, and family history, offering helpful information and next steps if you might be at risk.  … Continued