Quality assurance involves an assessment of quality of care by an external body in terms of comparisons against agreed thresholds and standards, to determine whether quality of care is acceptable.
This judgement leads to further decisions on actions to be taken to maintain or improve quality. Quality assurance ensures that these actions are implemented through monitoring and reviews of progress.
The practice will work collaboratively with the following agencies who are involved in the quality assurance process.
- Care quality commission
- Newcastle ICB Place
- NHS England
- General Medical Council (Revalidation)
The practice will collect, monitor and make available information in the following areas to facilitate the process of quality assurance.
- Patient experience (patient participation group, friends and family test)
- Complaints handling
- Significant event monitoring reporting and analysis
- Obligations under duty of candour
- Clinical audit
- Organisational audit
- NHS GP Survey
- Quality and outcomes framework
- Practice clinical and management meetings
- Clinical governance activity
- CCG practice development and engagement scheme
- Reduction of unplanned admissions scheme
- Primary care web tool
- Staff appraisal