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Support for Carers

Across the UK, around one in every eight people act as unpaid carers – that’s around 6.5 million people in total. Image preview

Over 1 million of us have caring responsibilities for more than one person, and 1.3 million provide more than 50 hours of care per week, essentially making it a full-time job.

For carers, balancing their caring responsibilities, their work, and their own lives and health can be challenging.

Support is available through health, social care and the 3rd sector to make sure carers receive the support and resources they need to look after themselves and others. 

Financial support for carers

Knowing what benefits you and the person you care for are entitled to can make a real difference.

If you spend 35 hours a week or more and are aged over 16, then you can claim the Carer’s Allowance. Age UK has produced a fact sheet which details eligibility and explains how to make a claim.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is the new benefit that’s replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people with a disability who are aged 16 to 64. PIP is designed to help you meet some of the extra costs you may have because of a long-term health condition or disability.

You can find more information and advice on the InformationNOW website.

In Newcastle, there is also a Carers Wellbeing Fund. An unpaid carer who supports a family member, friend or neighbour can apply for a grant of up to £200 to improve their health and wellbeing.

Additional Support

Newcastle City Council can carry out a Carer’s Assessment to see if carers are eligible for any additional support.

The assessment, usually done by a Social Worker, will talk to you generally about your caring responsibilities, how it affects your feelings, work and relationships and other aspects of your life.

Support could be available to you to help reduce the impact caring has on you.

Young Carers

Young carers are people under 18 who look after somebody in their family who is ill, disabled, has mental health problems or is misusing drugs or alcohol.Help us find new and better ways to identify and support young carers -  Social care

We talk to young carers and their family to understand their needs and how we can best support them – this is a Young Carer Assessment.Young carers from across the city of Newcastle have developed four animated films to raise awareness about young carers.

Young carers deserve the same opportunities as all children. At Newcastle Carers, we aim to reduce the negative impacts of the caring role, using a whole-family approach. You can contact your doctors surgery to be referred! Young carers’ stories in animation

Newcastle Carers

Newcastle Carers logo

Newcastle Carers have a wealth of information covering support groups, counselling, respite care and more.

If you are aged 18-25 and you are helping to look after someone who is ill, disabled, has mental health problems or is misusing drugs or alcohol, who could not manage without your support, you are a young adult carer.

You might be looking after someone close to you who needs help and support on a regular basis. Anyone can be a carer at any time of their life.

At Newcastle Carers, we know how hard it can be to look after someone, and we’re here to help with information, advice and support when you need it.

Please let your practice know if you are a registered carer as this will be noted on your medical records, this can be done by an online consultation Systmconnect. This is important for things such as accessing Covid Vaccinations and staff being aware of any pressure you may be under.