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We realise that this information may not apply to you, and we apologise if this information is upsetting in any way, but we need to ensure that this reaches all patients who this may apply to.

If you father a child while you are taking valproate or in the 3 months after stopping valproate, there is a potential small increased risk of the child being diagnosed with a mental or movement related developmental disorder (neurodevelopmental disorder).

It is recommended that you and your female sexual partner should both use effective birth control (condoms and another form of female contraception) as a precaution while you are taking valproate and for at least 3 months after stopping valproate. Allow at least 3 months to pass after stopping valproate before trying to father a child and you should not donate sperm whilst taking valproate and for 3 months after stopping. It is important that you do not stop taking valproate unless you are advised to do so by a healthcare professional.

For more information see: Advice_for_male_patients_on_valproate_to_use_contraception_PUBLISH_.pdf

If you have any concerns regarding this information, please contact the Practice via SystmConnect to arrange for an appointment.

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